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Insight Group, Inc.'s extensive security experience is reflected in our management team.

Chief Executive Officer

Ms. Arriaga has over 20 years of Law Enforcement experience. Ms. Arriaga began her career with Fresno County Sheriffs Dept. working in Patrol, correctional facility and Narcotics Unit.

Ms. Arriaga moved to Silicon Valley to take on new challenges as a Police Officer with San Jose Police Department. Ms. Arriaga worked Patrol and later assigned to the Detective Bureau in Narcotics.

Ms Arriaga then went on to work with the California Department of Justice as a Special Agent and later promoted to Operations Commander of the largest Task Force in the United States

Under Ms. Arriaga's command record breaking statistics were achieved in drug seizures. During Ms. Arriaga's tenure she was assigned to The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) where she successfully investigated and dismantled a large scale organized crime group. Ms. Arriaga has received many accommodations to include "The Gil Pompa" award out of Washington DC for her outstanding leadership as a Commander. Ms. Arriaga has worked together with local, state and federal agencies and has developed contacts internationally. Ms. Arriaga is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), and has been an instructor for this organization in the area of Strategic Planning. Ms. Arriaga has instructed many command staff law enforcement officers in Strategic Planning throughout the United States.Ms. Arriaga was the COO/Vice President of Barna PI and Security and was instrumental in the development of this private investigation company, servicing many high-tech companies in work place crimes against the corporation and it's employees. According to San Jose Magazine, Ms. Arriaga was named one of "Silicon Valley's 100 most powerful people" Ms. Arriaga was also featured on 60 Minutes and has been on the cover of Los Angeles Times, San Jose Magazine, San Jose Mercury News and many other publications throughout the United States.

Mr. Pitts has an extensive background in conducting complex and sensitive investigations, organizational development, program development and human resource management. His career in law enforcement spans over 25 years with six years in the private sector as an investigator, security consultant and security manager. Prior to his retirement as a San Jose Police Lieutenant in the Robbery Unit, Mr. Pitts served as manager and supervisor in Field Operations, Intelligence Special Investigations, Narcotics, Homicide, Crime Scene Unit, and Patrol Special Operations (SWAT). He has over seven years of undercover investigations experience covering narcotics and organized crime groups.

Mr. Pitts is a fully licensed Private Investigator and Private Patrol Operator and successfully conducted investigations into internal corporate theft, fraud, cargo theft, workplace violence and protection of trade secrets. He served for three years as the Senior Corporate Security Manger for a multinational Bio-Tech company in the Palo Alto area, assisting in the organization and development of a detailed Emergency Response Plan. He managed, planned and budgeted all aspects of the physical security systems and personnel for facilities in the United States and Europe.

Mr. Pitts is a member of their American Society of industrial Security (ASIS) and has obtained their Certified Protection Professional (CPP) certification. In addition Mr. Pitts is a member of the High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA), and California Association of Licensed Investigators (CALI).

Mr. Pitts earned a Bachelors Degree in Public Administration from the University of San Francisco. He has attended the U.S. Secret Service Dignitary Protection Course, the State of California Dignitary Protection Course, numerous California Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission sponsored training courses, Los Angeles Police SWAT Academy, and Classes at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia.Top

Vice President of Operations and Investigations

Mr. Diaz has thirty years experience in law enforcement, and four years as a private investigator and security consultant. His experience includes conducting complex investigations, organizational development, training programs, crime analysis, and human resource management including extensive comprehensive experience in conducting employee background investigations. Prior to his retirement Mr. Diaz served as manager and supervisor in the Administrative and Technical Services Division, which included Personnel and Training, both Police and Fire Academies, Emergency Preparedness, Community Services Bureau, and the Animal Control Unit. In addition to Law Enforcement, Mr. Diaz has experience in fire prevention and suppression activities.

During his law enforcement career, Mr. Diaz has worked at all levels of the organization including beat officer, supervisor, and program manager. Mr. Diaz also has over eighteen years experience teaching/training vehicle operations and is an expert in this field. Not only has Mr. Diaz attended numerous driver-training courses his most recent was the Counter Terrorist/Dignitary Protection Driving Course. He is currently employed at a Bay Area Community College Regional Police Academy as a vehicle operations instructor.

Mr. Diaz attended West Valley College, later transferring to the University of San Francisco where he earned his Baccalaureate Degree. He later attended San Jose State University where he was awarded his Masters Degree in Public Administration, Political Science Department. Additionally, Mr. Diaz has participated in numerous California Police Officer Standards and Training sponsored courses and is currently a member of the Silicon Valley High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA).

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